
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Worst. Idea. Ever.

I've been really busy with a new project and haven't had a lot of time to blog in the past few months. Hopefully in the new year I'll get back to posting regular pieces. One thing that I wanted to highlight is a trial balloon today from Ryerson University about creating a third law school in Toronto. This has been rumoured for a couple years, but nothing has surfaced until now. Hopefully, the idea gets shot down quickly as it's a supremely terrible idea. Ryerson University already has the Law Practice Program, which is an unfolding testament to the horrific labour market outcomes that young law graduates are currently facing as the vast majority of LPP positions pay under the minimum wage. There's just no need to feed another one-hundred to two-hundred highly-indebted graduates into an already saturated system with scant job prospects. The people behind this idea are either utterly tone-deaf or predatory; if one wants to rob young folks (and their parents) of hard-earned money then go buy a pistol and balaclava, there's no need to go to the expense and hassle of creating a law school to do it. I've written about this topic many times before in great detail, see: here; here; here; here; and, here.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew: I'm a frequent visitor to your blog and appreciate the work you're doing. As a current law student, I could not agree with you more. We need another law school like I need a hole in my head!

    Have the folks at Ryerson looked to our neighbours to the south to see what the result of too many law graduates looks like? Furthermore, existing law schools increasing their enrollments at this time should be giving their heads a shake.

    It's a very contradictory situation we have, isn't it? A growing number of un- or underemployed law graduates, yet, we have an access to justice crisis!
